Contemplative black man standing against window painted in LGBT colors

Safe Harbor Law makes it safer for you to ask for help, and makes help more readily available.

What is the Safe Harbor Law?

Safe Harbor, funded by appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature, provides a statewide network of victim-centered, trauma-informed services and safe housing. In addition, nine Regional Navigators serve as points of contact in their regions and provide connections to services for youth. 

In the past, if you were under the age of 24 and engaging in sex work, Minnesota law treated you as a criminal. The Safe Harbor Law changed that. Now, youth who engage in sex work or survival sex are seen as victims and survivors (not criminals) and are entitled to shelter and services.

Safe Harbor Law includes these key changes to Minnesota law:

  • Protects youth from being arrested or prosecuted for prostitution
  • Adds the definition of sexually exploited youth to Minnesota law and prosecutes traffickers and purchasers (johns).
  • Funds protocol development, training, and evaluation, and provides services, housing, and outreach for youth ages 24 and under.

Youth who engage in sex work or survival sex are seen as victims and survivors (not criminals) and are entitled to housing and services.

What is No Wrong Door?

It doesn’t matter where you ask for help. You can knock on any door. We can help you and will recognize you as a victim.

No Wrong Door is a service model that makes sure the Safe Harbor Law actually works. It lays out ways for communities across Minnesota to get the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to identify sexually exploited and at-risk youth. 

No Wrong Door works to ensure that services are available to help you get:

  • Shelter or safe housing
  • Services such as support groups and counseling
  • Properly trained advocates

You Have Options: Day One Helps Open the Door

If you are, or know someone that has been a victim of exploitation, you have the right to supportive, healing, and comprehensive services. To find services statewide, call the Minnesota Day One Crisis Line 1-866-223-1111 to speak with an advocate (interpreters are available), text 612-399-9995, or click the CHAT NOW button on this site to connect with a Day One advocate. A Day One advocate is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. You can also view the Safe Harbor map, which includes services by region

More Information

To read more about the Safe Harbor Law and No Wrong Door visit Minnesota Department of Health’s Safe Harbor Minnesota Website.

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

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Day One® is a statewide program of Cornerstone.


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A Cornerstone program, Minnesota Day One® provides help and resources for victims of general crime, domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, or those concerned about their relationships anywhere in Minnesota, and Fargo, ND.

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Minnesota Day One® connects Minnesotans to Network Partners providing services across the state to victims and survivors of crime and domestic violence. Learn more about our partners.

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