If you have experienced sexual violence, please reach out to Day One. We will listen to you, provide options, and support your decisions.
I experienced sexual violence: Where do I start?
There are many options for help, and it is up to you to decide. Day One will help support you in your decisions.
Should I seek medical attention?
If you have been raped or experienced other acts of sexual violence, you may want to seek help and medical attention.
What do I need to know about doing a medical exam?
- If available, you can ask to have an advocate (supportive helper) with you throughout the process
- For the purposes of the medical exam and collecting evidence do not shower, brush your teeth, or douche
- Bring any evidence (for example, if you’ve changed your clothing, put the clothes you were wearing in a paper bag) with you to the medical facility
- If you think you may have been drugged, alert medical personnel
- Know that some “date rape drugs” exit the body fairly quickly, within 8 hours
- If you are able, don’t urinate (pee) until the exam or urinate into a clean container and bring it with you to the hospital
Relocating: Are you safe from any further sexual violence?
If the sexual violence occurred at your home or at your current location and there is a threat of further sexual violence, you may want to relocate to a safe location.
Day One can assist with finding a safe place/shelter or transitional housing. An advocate will try to locate an available safe place to stay if you choose, and may be able to help with transportation to get there if you need it.
For more information, contact Day One to discuss your options, Safety Planning, and Shelter and Housing.
How do I report what happened?
You have choices about involving law enforcement. Calling the crisis hotline is not the same as calling the police. No one will call the police without your permission unless they believe that you are in immediate physical danger and cannot make the call yourself.
Day One can walk you through the reporting steps and support you through this process. While we are not lawyers, we can provide legal advocacy and offer support with Orders for Protection and other civil matters. We may be able to refer you to free or low cost lawyers as well.
How can I get help with mental trauma from sexual violence?
Along with your physical health and safety, it is vitally important to address your mental and emotional health after experiencing sexual violence.
Day One Advocates can listen and provide options for helping address the trauma that follows sexual violence, including information for:
- Support Groups
- Low-cost Therapy
- 1:1 advocacy
This is not your fault. You are not alone. Contact Day One
Day One will listen to you, provide options and information, and support you in your decisions. Speak with an advocate from Day One today by calling the Minnesota Day One Crisis Line 1-866-223-1111 to speak with an advocate (interpreters are available), text 612-399-9995, or click the CHAT NOW button on this site to connect with a Day One advocate. A Day One advocate is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you.
If you are in immediate danger, call 911.