Sex + Something of Value = Sexual Exploitation
Sex + Something of Value + Third Party (Trafficker) = Sex Trafficking
What is Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking?
Definitions per Safe Harbor Minnesota
Sexual Exploitation: Sexual Exploitation occurs when someone exchanges sex for anything of value or a promise of something of value such as money, drugs, food, shelter, rent, or higher status in a gang or group. Another person may or may not be involved in arranging this exchange.
Sex Trafficking: Sex trafficking is a type of commercial sexual exploitation that involves the prostitution of an individual in which a third person – not the buyer or the victim – facilitates or profits. MN Statute 609.321-609.322.
SAFE Harbor Law and No Wrong Door
Minnesota is responding to exploitation with the Safe Harbor Law and No Wrong Door.
Safe Harbor Law: Funded by appropriations from the Minnesota State Legislature, provides a statewide network of victim-centered, trauma-informed services and safe housing. In the past, if you were under the age of 24 and engaging in sex work, Minnesota law treated you as a criminal. The Safe Harbor Law changed that. Now, youth who engage in sex work or survival sex are seen as victims and survivors (not criminals) and are entitled to shelter and services.
No Wrong Door: It doesn’t matter where you ask for help. You can knock on any door. We can help you and will recognize you as a victim.
Read more about the Safe Harbor Law and No Wrong Door on the Minnesota Department of Health’s Safe Harbor Minnesota Website.
Get Help and Support
If you or someone you know is experiencing Sexual Exploitation or Sex Trafficking, call the Minnesota Day One Crisis Line 1-866-223-1111 to speak with an advocate (interpreters are available), text 612-399-9995, or click the CHAT NOW button on this site to connect with a Day One advocate. A Day One advocate is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. You can also view the Safe Harbor map, which includes services by region.